Sunday, February 16, 2014

Significant People Chapter 22

Count Henri de Saint-Simon

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Saint-Simon was a French socialist. He was one of the most influential early socialist thinkers, and believed that every social institution should have improving the conditions of the poor as its greatest priority. Saint-Simon also believed society was comprised of "doers" and "parasites", and that the "doers" should be in control and carefully plan the economy.

Pierre Joseph Proudhon

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Pierre Joseph Proudhon was a French socialist and anarchist. Proudhon believed that property was theft, or profit that was stolen from the worker, and proclaimed this idea in a pamphlet, What Is Property. He is considered to be the father of anarchism. Proudhon also corresponded with, and influenced, Karl Marx.

William Wordsworth

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William Wordsworth was an accomplished English poet and one of the leaders of English romanticism in literature. Together with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Wordsworth published Lyrcial Ballads, which launched the Romantic movement in English literature.

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