Sunday, February 16, 2014

Significant People Chapter 21

Richard Arkwright

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Richard Arkwright was an English entrepreneur during the Industrial Revolution. He is credited with inventing the water frame, which was a machine that spun fibers into thread or yarn using water power. Before Arkwright's invention, yarn was made by hand using a spinning wheel. Due to Arkwright's invention of the water frame, the manufacturing of yarn moved from the cottage to the factory, and was able to occur on a much larger scale.

James Watt

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James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer during the industrial revolution. Watt made significant improvements on the steam engine that had been developed by Thomas Newcomen. He was able to make Newcomen's engine much more efficient, and went on to make the steam engine a practical and commercial success. The improved steam engine was the greatest advance in technology during the industrial revolution.

Thomas Malthus

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Thomas Malthus was an English economist during the industrial revolution. He examined the dynamics of population, and argued that populations would always grow faster than their food supplies. Malthus's dismal assessment was eventually proven wrong, but during his lifetime, his view was generally accepted.

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