Sunday, February 16, 2014

Introduction: Chapter 22

Chapter 22 is about the dual revolution that occurred in Europe from 1815 to 1850. After 1815, economic and political changes reinforced each other. This period encompassed the birth of the Romantic movement and the emergence of nationalism and French and Marxian socialism. It was a time of immense change and upheaval.

Chapter Objective:

Understand the ideologies and upheavals that occurred from 1815 to 1850.

Essential Question: What were liberalism, nationalism, and socialism?

Liberalism was a movement that focused on liberty and equality, and believed in representative government. Nationalism was the idea that each people had genius and cultural unity, which often led to wishes for an independent political state. Socialism was a movement focused on cooperation and community. Socialist leaders believed in economic planning, economic equality, and state regulation of property.

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