Sunday, March 9, 2014

US Imperialism

Political Cartoon

This cartoon depicts US forces leaving Iraq after taking down Saddam Hussein. The US troops are passing a sign that represents Iraqi anger at the United States's intervention, and asserts that the US troops are "imperialist pigs". The artist clearly was not a fan of the Iraq War, and believes that US motives for intervention were imperialistic, which is not entirely accurate. The US didn't invade Iraq to civilize its people and exploit its natural resources, but as a part of its "war on terror".

Has the US been imperialistic?
The US invasion of Iraq way not have been imperialistic, but there have been times in the past when the US has acted on imperialism, namely in the Spanish American war, the annexation of Hawaii, and in Panama. In these instances, the US acquired territory for its own gain while extending its authority over other territories.

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