Sunday, March 9, 2014

2 US Events (Chapter 25)

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by US President Chester Arthur. The act was one of the most significant restrictions ever made on immigration in the US. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned Chinese laborers from immigrating to the US. This immigration act was similar to restrictions made on immigration by countries in Europe at the time. It was one of the "great white walls" that prevented Asians from immigrating to the US and Europe during the age of imperialism.

Annexation of Hawaii

1898 Honolulu Annexation Ceremony

In 1893, the Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown in a coup led by mostly American citizens living in Hawaii. Queen LiliÊ»uokalani was arrested, and the Republic of Hawaii was established. Almost immediately after the overthrow, the new government of Hawaii petitioned to be annexed by the US. After a couple of years, annexation was sucessfully negotiated, and the Newlands Resolution passed Congress and was signed by US President William McKinley, creating the Territory of Hawaii. The picture above shows a ceremony celebrating the annexation. By annexing Hawaii, the US was following the example of European countries, that during this period were going into foreign places and taking over.

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