Sunday, February 16, 2014

2 US Events (Chapter 22)

Battle of the Alamo

File:1854 Alamo.jpg
In 1835, Texas began fighting for its independence from Mexico, beginning the Texas Revolution. The Battle of the Alamo is one of the most famous battles in the fight between Texas and Mexico. Texans were in possession of the Alamo, a former mission, and were attacked and defeated by Mexican forces. But while the Texans lost the battle, they were inspired by their defeat, and went on to successfully fight of Mexico and become the Republic of Texas before being annexed by the United States. Texas, like some nations in Europe during this period, was fighting for its sovereignty.

The Tariff of Abominations

In 1828, the US Congress passed a protective tariff, designed to protect industry in the northern US. Industry in the north was struggling to compete with cheaper, imported goods. The tariff taxed imported goods, eliminating some of the north's competition, and forcing southerners to pay higher prices for their manufactured goods. Naturally, southerners despised the tariff, and dubbed in the Tariff of Abominations. The Tariff of Abominations was similar to the Corn Laws passed in Britain. Both limited the role certain imported goods could play in the economies of their respective nations, and both faced a fair amount of backlash,

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